Biomedical articles

1) Yefenof, E., Bakacs, T., Einhorn, L. Ernberg, I. and Klein, G.: “Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) receptors, complement receptors and EBV infectibility of different lymphocyte fractions of human peripheral blood. I. Complement receptor distribution and complement binding by separated lymphocyte subpopulations.” Cell. Immunol. 35, 34, 1978.

2) Einhorn, L., Steinitz, M. Yefenof, E., Ernberg, I., Bakacs, T. and Klein, G.: “Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) receptors, complement receptors and EBV infectibility of different lymphocyte fractions of human peripheral blood. II. Epstein-Barr virus studies.” Cell. Immunol. 35, 43, 1978.

3) Einhorn, L. and Ernberg, I.: “Induction of EBNA precedes the first cellular S-phase after EBV-infection of human lymphocytes.” Int. J. Cancer 21, 157, 1978.

4) Einhorn, L. and Klein, E.: “EBV infection of mitogen- stimulated human B-lymphocytes.” Int. J. Cancer27, 181, 1981.

5) Einhorn, L., Hård af Segerstad, H. and Janowski, S.: “Marasm och Kwashiorkor-allvarliga sjukdomar vid undernäring.” Läkartidningen 45, 4155, 1982.

6) Einhorn, L., Gadler, H. and Wahren, B.: “Adsorption of purified human cytomegalovirus and induction of early antigens an different cells.” J. Med. Virol. 10, 225, 1982.

7) Einhorn, L.: “Are there factors preventing cancer development during embryonic life?” Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine 4, 219, 1983.
Abstract             Full article

8) Einhorn, L.: “Early interactions of Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus with human leukocytes and other cells in vitro.” PhD thesis, 1983.

9) Wahren, B., Einhorn, L. and Gadler, H.: “Early interactions between human cytomegalovirus and cells.” Arch. Virol. 79, 55, 1984.

10) Einhorn, L. and Öst, Å.: “Cytomegalovirus infection of human blood cells.” J. Infect. Dis. 149, 207, 1984.

11) Einhorn, L., Einhorn S. and Wahren, B.: “Interferon induction in human leukocytes after in vitro exposure to cytomegalovirus or Epstein-Barr virus. Influence of interferon on the expression of viral antigens.” Intervirology 23, 140, 1985

12) Einhorn, L. and Mitrani, E.: “Restriction of cloning potential in agarose of early chick embryonic cells as development progresses.” Cell Differentiation 18, 153, 1986.

13) Einhorn, L.: “Can prenatal irradiation protect the embryo from tumor development?” Acta Oncologica 30, 291, 1991.

14) Einhorn, L. and Polgar, M.: “HIV Risk Behavior among Lesbians and Bisexual Women.” AIDS Education and Prevention 6(6), 514-523, 1994.

15) Einhorn, L.: “The Effects of Prenatal Irradiation on Carcinogenesis. In: Low level Radiation and Living State (Ed. N. Huilgol). New Delhi: Narosa, 1994.

16) King C., Einhorn L., Brusselaers N., Carlsson M., Einhorn S., Elgh F. et al.: ”COVID-19-a very visible pandemic”. Lancet  396(10248):e15, 2020


Published abstracts

A1) Einhorn, N., Einhorn, L., Gebbie, D.A.M. and Willey, B.: “Pre-operative radiotherapy in the treatment of cervical carcinoma in Africa”. Presented at the 11th International Cancer Congress, Florence, Oct.1974.

A2) Einhorn, N., Einhorn, L. and Gebbie, D.A.M.: “Pre- operativ strålbehandling av cervixcancer i Nairobi.” Presented at Läkarsällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm, Dec. 1974.

A3) Einhorn, L. and Gadler, H.: “Receptoraktivitet och abortiv infektion för cytomegalovirus.” Presented at Läkarsällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm, Dec. 1981.

A4) Einhorn, L., Gadler, H. and Wahren,B.: “Adsorption of purified human cytomegalovirus and induction of early antigens in different cells.” Presented at the sixth Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Herpes viruses, Sept.1982.

A5) Einhorn, L. and Öst, Å.: “CMV-infection of human leukocytes.” Presented at the 8th Scandinavian virus symposium, Aarhus, May 1983.

A6) Einhorn, L. and Mitrani, E.: “Restriction of cloning potential of early embryonic cells as development progresses.” Presented at the Europ. Dev. Biol. Congress, Southampton, Sept.1984.

A7) Einhorn, L.: “Can prenatal irradiation protect the embryo from tumor development?” Presented at the symposium on Low Level Radiation and Living State, Bombay, April 1992.

A8) Einhorn, L. and Polgar, M.: “HIV-risk behavior among lesbians and bisexual women.” Presented at Eastern Sociological Society, Arlington, VA, April 1992

A9) Einhorn, L. and Polgar, M.: “HIV-risk behavior among lesbians and bisexual women.” Presented at American Sociological Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 1992.